Wednesday 18 June, 2008

Rise and Fall

Unbearable pain. Trying to force its way out. But the world within is too dark and deadly. No space, No room. Constant grind. Constant input. The Unwanted get expelled right away. Only the fittest survive. It's blood shed around here. Now and then a solid metallic knock and a blinding ray of light. It's the halo of wisdom.

No sooner did my wisdom tooth rise than the dentist fixed the date for its removal. Yet another discovery - My teeth structure is devoid of the second molars. An average human is supposed to have 2 molars and the third one being the wisdom tooth. I became a subject of experiment at the clinic today when the doctor discovered this strange dental formation. My life is never short of surprises-usually on the mental front, this time on the dental.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rise so high, yet so far to fall
A plan of dignity and balance for all

- Megadeth, foreclosure of a dream

dedicated to the wisdomesticated tooth