Wednesday 25 June, 2008


Nah.. Its not any movie in the making.

My day began in the theatre- Sathyam to be precise. When i booked the tickets for night show I was thinking if it was be a wrong show to have booked. Was wondering if I would end up disturbing the people around with the calls that I'd receive at midnight for my B'day. But then, not many called. Got to watch the movie peacefully only to be reminded later that not many remembered my birthday :(

After all it's just another day. My folks have never given special importance to these kinda occasions. My dad shies to wish cute. I don't think he did .. not that it mattered the least to me. I love him. Wore a kurta which was waiting for it's turn for inauguration. One of my dear friends had come home to wish me. I gobbled some rice and drove to office. I have this weird embarrassment when people wish me on my birthday. I either end up wishing them the same :) or stand still at a loss for words with a horribly plastic smile. Thanks to my company's online portal for making it as public as possible forcing tons of asinine expressions.

I was glued to the phone, receiving calls from people who on any other day would not qualify as anything more than a faintly remembered acquaintance. People count keeps increasing every year and the time that i get to talk to or spend with my dear ones keeps decreasing. My dearest friend met me in the noon. Spent a couple of minutes in front of the office. A hug , a wish and then a bye.

Back to desk. My college mate cum colleague did make my day interesting with his surprise black forest and some printed matter that has always been and hopefully will not continue to be anathema to me.

Before I realized I was 23 , I stepped into 24. . . 3 dots and time is flying by.

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sankar said...
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