Tuesday 28 April, 2009

Faking it, moley

Hello Everyone. It's been really long since I blogged. The fact that it is taking me ten minutes to think of a subject or a starter line says it all. Well for those who blog or read blogs or are aware of what blogs are, the Fake IPL blog is surely on their bookmarks.
The day is incomplete if I don't register a hit on that site. Maybe the owner is actually a KKR member like he professes, or maybe he is fake, also like he professes, maybe he is like the anonymous entity in one night @ a call center. But for those who chanced to read his posts, his identity is least relevant as long as the posts keep coming. They just wouldn't care less. I do not know what he wanted to achieve by starting something like this, but the timing or content of the posts is so gripping and perfect that he/she/it has won the attention of audience from across the milky way. We learn so much about market segmenting, targeting or positioning (STP.. not STD mind you), but this guy seems to have taught Kotler the lessons precisely. It spread so much like a disease across groups and organizations that in no time half the computer screens in the office had this page on. The IPL began as a huge dampener, with less than 10% of the cheering/audience/ambience that was present last year. To compensate for the washed out matches and the lacklustre games, this blog has created enough and more vibes. Summon the FBI or CIA to trace the mole, but as Austin Powers would have it:

Mole. Bloody mole. We aren't supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face. I want to c-u-u-t it off, ch-o-o-p it off, and make guacamole.

Nice to mole you... meet you. Nice to meet you, Mole.

Sunday 5 April, 2009

Silver Jubilee

My almamater will be celebrating its silver jubilee this year.. couldnt care less.

I will be celebrating my silver jubilee too. Did I just say celebrating? I feel like I have vegetated for half of my productive life... considering the first five a pain for people around, the last five to be a greater pain (hopefully not). Looking forward to the other half... would you like to place your bet on a cabbage? My take is potato. A couch potato :)


I pray

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.