Monday 20 October, 2008

Screw the driver

I attended 2 weddings and one 60th wedding last weekend. I was arguably the only one of my age group in the weddings (barring the first circle relatives). I tried proving the point to my amma that these occasions are not for me to attend and its for them (the married lot).I had to make her understand that I am not being disrespectful if I don’t attend such boring gatherings .. in which case she concluded that my generation is such and I shouldn’t be following suit.She was trying to put across the point that only if I attend such gatherings will I find a nice groom. Unfortunately - I am being found by the groom’s parents and my parents don’t share the same luck as none of the prospects are as jobless as I am. That deprives me of the little possible NSP's (Nayan sukh praapthi). And I would definitely not pick my groom by looking at his parents.

The worst of the lot – All the oldies who are too sick and tired of life and depressed over the lack of importance given in their respective families find solace in such gatherings where I am being made to sit amidst all of them and render divine classical compositions. Actually this is not the worst thing. Rather, I like doing it. At least I am of some use. Probably this is the only sensible thing I could be doing in such gatherings. The older lot is much safer than the prying eyes of the middle aged.

I have decided. I am going to teach my father to drive the car. I usually dislike the concept of multiple handling of a single vehicle. But I guess I must resign to it now. For I shall be spared of a few such occasions in future which I am not now as I am the only driver. Lord!!!!! I badly need a screwdriver- to fix things :P