Tuesday 24 July, 2007

From the first rain to the second

"Still falls the RAIN, dark as the world of man, black as our loss, blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails upon the Cross"

Its been a year since the 'first rain'.

My first rainshot in my new canon... the feeling of surrendering myself to the force of nature.. the feeling of trying to keep my eyes wide open against the pouring droplets... a feeling of a bear hug with the sky.....

So much has changed over the last 1 year.

Here comes the rain again. as beautiful as ever.. as whimsical as ever. I have nothing to say or give back.
I love walking in the rain.. cos then no one knows am crying.

"Raindrops like in-laws' brawl. Standing there an envelope with no address on. I am at the bottom of the ditch. I am trekking the trail of dirt. I am fried at the core of hell. I have been a roach, a bug, a shameless dog. Begging crawling begging crawling sinking. Yet I dared to dream once. Yet I dare to go too far once. Once is a was. I is an am. The rain falls down noisily down dragging me down burying me down mocking me I am a clown. I dream of me. I dream of bleeding hearts becoming I and me and mine"...

mOuSe HuNT

This post is dedicated to the rat which spoilt my lunch.

no different from any other day , but for the fact that i was voraciously hungry, khali and me were having lunch in the terrace gardens. i had ordered for rice wid sambhar and rasam. it was a gloomy day. it looked like rain but it didnt rain till then. as i was happily gobbling there was one big drop of water (or so i thought) dat splashed on my hand and my plate. i gave this really flabbergasted look at khali and wondered why on earth wud he do this to me... when he reacted innocent i diverted the look to the rain gods above and very baronially looked at the office server and commented on the holes in the roof. I bet he wud ve thought i was the biggest nincompoop on earth as the sky was clear. my great friend khali was wise enough to spot a rat/ mouse/some disgusting creature on the roof pipe fleeing from the crime site.

there i dropped the food which had almost found its way into my oesophagus , on my plate and washed my hands wid dettol. Khali remained oblivious thru out the course of action. Thanks man. if not for him , U wud ve seen me in some hospital sufferin from diarhhoea.

It would ve been just another day of my summer internship at bangalore if not for mr.creature.

Saturday 14 July, 2007

"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

IP : @#$ . #$% . ^&. *%#
mEMORY Allocation : N/A

This is exactly how the executive summary of my first RDBMS class would look like. All of a sudden i felt the whole world becoming a tangent to my cerebrum/ cerebellum (cant really take the pains of confirming the word). Suddenly i felt it was all greek and latin to me. Suddenly i felt the dumbest of heads had a million times more powerful antennae than that of mine. Coudln help myself from falling on d desk. a sudden thud and the class would turn back to see if anyone had fallen off. In a self-effacing manner i would also turn my head to avoid further embarassment (as if the class was unaware of the source of the noise). The 'IF' written on the board is interpreted as 'interface' by all the other less technically challenged mortals in class.

You would be wondering why on earth did i have to opt for RDBMS as a credit course in my MBA prog.

I knew i was technically challenged. i just wanted to remove any trace of doubt that remained.

fire at one end and a fool at the other

To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times. ~Mark Twain

All my bootless attempts to understand one's addiction to smoking... The funny part of it being the explanations offered by smokers .. it is either loneliness or the fun of being with friends (invariably all smokers)... i dont see any other possible or plausible situation. If you do please enlighten me.

I dont see a difference between a full cigar and ten drags from different people around.
I dont see a difference between sMOkin thru the lungs or blowing the smoke off thru the nose.
I dont see the difference between ... no matter anything for that matter.

Thank you for Not Smoking. Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure. It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs. This takes place without my consent. I have a pleasure, also. I like a beer now and then. The residue of my pleasure is urine. Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?

This is defintely not what i want to say. not the least bit.

.... but try to understand... that i do care.